We reached Big Bear around 6. Cooked Pasta in 45minutes. Dropped A sid & ate our dinner. During the dinner it hit Kunal 1st. He could not stop laughing. Neither could he stand straight. After a while Pablo & Mauricio jumped in the Jacuzzi. It hit Mauricio there. He was uneasy & dizzy. He got out of the tub. Pablo was tripping hard & happy & giving the best vibes. I was peaking too & joined him in the tub. It was bliss for the next 2 hours. Me & Pablo had the best times. We discovered a Freeway for aeroplanes.
Meanwhile We kept feedng Satish more & more & after a point we just gave up on him. Which sucked. Because no matter how high & happy we were, esp me & Kunal, the thought would always bother us that Satish is not feeling it & it was supposed to be all for him. He kept eating more shrooms & smoking more we ed. I went to sleep around 3.
I woke up at 9 & cleaned all the dishes & made coffee for everyone. We all sat down & talked about how silly we were the night before. Satish took some more shrooms. I send him out for a walk alone as i figured thats the only way he will get high when he is not around us & theres no pressure to feel high. And it finally worked. He came back in 30 minutes dehydrated & high. And paranoid about his mom calling him. He seemed to have fallen somewhere as his shirt had dirt on it. But he could not remember anything. He started worrying about calling his mom & talking to her. He finally called her & got it done with. We had our brunch & headed out to the lake. I wanted to drive around the lake once but the people in the back were not very receptive to this. Later on I realized why they were dying to get out of the car - 4 guys in the backseat. We reached the lake & spent the next 3 hours lying around in the grass & just staring at the sun & the trees & the fishes. We named that spot BIOSPHERE.
We bought some tequila & went back to our house. Mir was tired of his high & wanted it to end. I was tired of the same cd & changed the music. The 1st 2 songs were very heavy & Mir wanted me to change. Seeing him, Pablo started having a really bad trip. He thought he might need proffesional help. He thought he would never come out of the trip. Meanwhile Kunal make dinner & I cleaned the dishes. We had the best fruit salad & lots of delicious tequila drinks made by Mauricio. I passed out soon after.
All in all a fun trip.
Here are some pitcures...