Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Joe Biden's Traffic Moment

A classic case of Real Life following Reel life.
Vice President Joe Biden's Daughter Ashley has been captured doing cocaine in a video tape. Apparently some asshole planned the whole operation to make a quick buck. He is even a friend of Ashley. Its a very interesting story to me. Joe Biden has been a very vocal crusader in the fight against drugs. Like Michal Douglas's character in the film TRAFFIC, his daughter has done drugs. Though Ashley seems to be a very unfortunate victim of some sick bastard. What is really sad is how will kids of famous people know whom to trust from now on?

How can someone hide a camera & tape his own friend doing cocaine & go about hiring DC lawyers to help him sell the tape. What he did was a crime to me. He should be the one going to jail.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Week 12 2009

This week I was literally haunted by Etta James's beautiful beautiful song - AT LAST. Everywhere I was if my mind stopped thinking, I would start hearing this song in my head. As if its being played at 2 houses down the street from mine. And I really enjoyed this feeling. It all is happening thanks to the President's Neighborhood Inaugural Ball where Beyonce sang At Last. It was a beautiful moment in History. One of the most beautiful moment of our lifetime.

1) At Last - Etta James

2) Sympathique - Pink Martini I have to go to a Pink Martini concert whenever these guys are in LA.

3) Peacebone - Animal COllective I'm slowly getting into Animal Collective.

4) Millionaire - Plastina Mosh My love for this Mexican band keeps growing.

5) Flight Of The Conchords: Sugar Lumps

How complicated is Wall Street?

I'm finding it hard to believe that we have to pay the guys who are responsible for this economic mess needs to be paid billions of dollars with our tax money to fix it. So they make twice the money. First they make all this money & tank the economy. Economy down. Govt comes running with its money bags to these white collar criminals to fix the very problem they created.
Are there no honest people who are smart also? Crooks are the only smart people left in Wall Street & Economics?

Now with GM's CEO Wagner being forced to resign, this week will have some interesting politics.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Week 11, 2009

Not much new music happened this last week. I spent most of my time listening to audio books about America.

1) Jon Stewart Presents America: A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction

2) I Am America (And So Can You!) - Stephen Colbert

3) Nothing's Sacred - Lewis Black

Jon Stewart's America is a really funny history lesson of America.
I'm halfway into the other 2 books.

I was listening to some of my older cds i made last year. These 5 songs stand out from last week.

1) La Femme d'Argent - Air I just love to hear this song once every week. I feel like this song just creeps up on me & starts making love to me.

2) Streets - Nitin Sawhney My fav Nitin Sawhney song. Not very known even among his fans I think. I would love to use it one day in a film. Couldnt find a link on youtube. Its from the album Displacing The Priest

3) Differente - Gotan Project When will I get around to learning Tango?

4) I Dream - Blindboy. I could not find any link anywhere for this song. Jason Eldridge opened his set on March 21 Sat Night with this song. It used a signature Pink Floyd tune very beautifully.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Week 10 2009

This week I discovered this really cool Mexican band Plastinina Mosh on NPR's Latino USA. The guys sounded smart & creative. And through them I discovered another Mexican Band MOLOTOV. My love for Latino music keeps growing.

1) Phoenix - Love Like a Sunset - Jason Eldridge opened his Saturday night set @ KCRW with this song. And I was immediately Hooked. The Album is "Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix". The song 1901 seems to be the one thats getting the most attention. But this song is my favorite.

2) The Airborne Toxic Event - Sometime Around Midnight - This was one of the best songs of 2008. Love the lyrics. Love the vocalist. Video...hmmm not so great.

3) Plastilina Mosh - Mr Pmosh Mr P M.O.S.H I Must say I look Gorgeous :) Hilarious Video & Hilarious lyrics.

4) Plastilina Mosh - My Party

5) Molotov - Frijolero Great lyrics & an amazing video.

Love Live Latino Music...

Monday, March 16, 2009

BlackHand of Mexican Mafia

I just finished listening to the Audio Book of The Black Hand: The Bloody Rise and Redemption of "Boxer" Enriquez, a Mexican Mob Killer this afternoon. After I finished listening to the last CD, I turned on the car radio & 5 minutes later Pat Morrison started talking about Mexican Mafia on NPR. I thought - "Ah, what a strange co-incidence it was." I realised within seconds that it was not just about the dreamed Mexican Mafia LeMe, It was actually a interview with the man himself - Rene Enriquez. I immidiately started calling NPR. I finally got through & give my questions to the screener. I was asked to be on hold. But my turn never came. There were so many questions I wanted to ask him.
1) How is your son Bobby doing?
2) Whats your opinion on the dramatic increase in violence in the drug cartels of Mexico.
3) Do you think Cocaine & Heroin should be legalized.

After reading the book, I'm not sure about my opposition to Death Sentence anymore. Maybe some people are just pure evil & do not deserve any space in our society.

I also wanted to congratulate Rene on his bold decision & wish him good luck to "live" every day with a good heart.

Here is the debrief he gave the prison officials after he defected from LeMe

Via Con Dios Rene....

A Good Week

In a time when Pakistan is becoming the heart of the problems of the world & not just India's, today was a good day for them in a long long time. Finally the Judiciary has emerged victorious. The reinstatement of deposed Supreme Court Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry comes as a light of hope in the midst of one bad news after another. I heard a brief story about Chaudhary on NPR today & it was inspiring. Hailing from a small village, he is the 1st Judge to stand up against the Pakistan Military. I'm reading the biography of a Mexican Mafia Hitman Rene 'Boxer' Enriquez right now. And one Aztec Mafia Member quotes an ancient Chinese proverb to Boxer in the jail -
If you stand long enought by the river, you will see the bodies of your enemies float by.

I think Chaudhary is experiencing just that. He is my new hero.

And of course Jon Stewart.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Jon Stewart kills John Cramer on National Television

Last night was probably one of the best nights of American Television. Jon Stewart creamed Cramer of MAD MONEY like nothing ever seen on TV. Jon has been lashing out on CNBC for past one week & this interview was hyped as the ultimate fight. But what we saw was unprecedented. One almost felt sorry for Cramer. But my salute to Jon. Its a pity that a comedy show is the only TV program that is doing its job.

Stewarts Intro

Interview Part 1

Interview Part 2

Interview 3

Dev D's Success

Before you start reading this post I must declare that this post is not a critique of DevD. Its my thoughts about its success.

I watched Dev D quite late compared to most people here at PFC. So by the time I walked inside the theater, the film was already declared a hit, after a very hard battle over the weekend. It was also a very interesting weekend, as news from Box Offices around the country kept coming the status kept flip-flopping between Flop & Hit. I felt it was the detractors who also had a vested interest in DevD's failure. Finally Dev D emerged victorious after a week.
I was 20 minutes late(Thanks to Kingfisher @ Ambala Dhaba). Completely missed the childhood part. It took us a good 10-15 minutes to get used to what we were watching. But throughout the film, I kept thinking "How the hell is this movie a Hit in India?" I was still heartbroken from the failure of LUCK BY CHANCE. I kept thinking how does one connect to the Indian Audience?
Its almost like how after elections all the Exit Poll guys sit around NDTV & wonder "what the fuck just happened in Karnataka". If a simple linear film like Luck By Chance which is flawless in its execution could not connect with the junta, how can this trippy-noir-new-wavy film with a french soul connect with India?
Initially I was jumping with joy. That this film signals the maturity of Indian audience & blah blah blah... But as I kept thinking more about these two films, my optimism in the audience disappeared. There were a few things in Dev D that made the film a hit -
1) Music - Amit Trivedi is the biggest star of the film. Esp Emotional Atyachar connected with the youth in a big way.
2) Sex - There was a refreshing amount of sex in the film. Characters talked about sex all the time. This probably helped with people who are not exposed to world cinema. The infamous MMS Scandal also must have fueled a lot of curiosity.
3) Style - The look of the film was Fantastic. And it was a combo of Editing , Photography & Production Design. (I love how we don't see the G of GRAND Hotel).

I feel if any of these elements were missing from the film the chances of the film working at the box office would have been very low.
Just the music & Anurag's energetic direction without all that sex talk.
All that great music & Sex but not that cool looking film.
All that style & great music but without the sex talk.

And compared to Dev D Luck By Chance might seem grand but it had so much subtlety which is hard to notice because of its mega canvass. So as much as I would like to rejoice at the success of Dev D as, for now I would look at things in a pragmatic way.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Week 9 2009

This week I'm blogging from Las Vegas. I will finally watched a cirque du soleil show last night. It was the LOVE Show at The MIRAGE. So my list this week is full of Beatles. :)

Songs from last week would be -

1)Somebody's Watching Me - Rockwell - I love the line sang by Michael Jackson.

2) Here COmes the Sun - Beatles

3) Lady Madonna - Beatles

4) Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd

5) Eple - Royksopp This is one of my favorite songs. All Time. Been listening to it for 5 years & never get tired.